All set to reinvent your life, only to find a month later, your life is as fuzzy as last year? New Year resolutions are better said than kept. At the end of the year, we see a lot of people making New Year resolutions which ultimately they fail to keep. It’s important to set some goals every year that way you see accomplishments. So what resolutions do you have in mind this year? If you’re still brooding over the thought, guess what? We have a couple of resolutions you could try adopting.
Take the health leap – exercise, be fit
Stop taking your health for granted. Get an annual check-up. This will give you less room to worry about any serious medical condition. Also, don’t get fooled by the myth that weight loss is equivalent to a healthier you.
Quit smoking
They say health is wealth for a reason. Everybody knows that smoking harms your health but there’s that part of you that still wants to continue. Nicotine addiction is about living a lie, one can succeed without it.
Eat home-cooked foods
Drop the fast food habit and eat healthily. When you cook your meals at home, it becomes easier to keep a track on the calories.
Stop judging people
Appearances and actions should never be a defining moment. Don’t be quick to draw conclusions without getting the facts straight.
Double on the travel
Make sure you travel a lot, and especially to Goa. You can book your stay at Marquis Beach Resort for a splendid holiday.
Make new friends and re-connect with the old ones
You can never have enough of friends and squad goals are the best. Also, it’s important to maintain current friendship bonds. So make a few calls, re-connect and re-live moments like old-times.
Take some time out to reflect on how the past year has been and dig a little deeper. Is there scope for improvement? If last year’s resolutions are a keeper, they can always be adopted this year as well. Resolutions can be made weekly, monthly or for the entire year. Go ahead, narrow down on your resolutions. It’s time to write another chapter. Make this New Year an interesting one!